(Original ad: Wheels)
I'm interested in your wheels and tires, but I have a couple questions:
Wheel width/offset/hub diameter?
Tire brand/model/size?
Got better pics?
i dont kn ow any of that but if you want to come see them and try them on your car you can let me know 603 486 8154 thanks
If they're at least 7" wide wheels I'm interested. I'd probably be willing to pay $250 for them, in that case. If they're 7.5 inches wide, $300 if they're in good shape.
i dont know why you email me wasting your time saying what you will pay the ad does not say make offer it says 500$!!!!!!!!!
If you get that price I will eat my hair. Good Luck with sale!
start eating
*End of transcript*
In other news, we visited Cafe Polonia in Salem, MA while my mom was in town. Say what you will about the Poles and their ability to win a war, but holy crap is their food and beer delicious. I got the Zywiec raspberry beer and a kielbasa reuben. Basically what they're doing there is taking the best sandwich known to man and adding the fattiest pork sausage in existence. It may be the perfect food.

Mmmmmm, let's go back here this weekend?